Gut Health

Is Your Dog’s Breath Causing You To Duck and Run?

Has your dog’s breath ever smelled like a combination of rotten eggs and meat left in the sun too long? If so, it’s easy to chalk that bad breath up to something he ate or licked… Unfortunately, that may not the cause. Especially if the breath unpleasantness is an everyday issue.

Here’s a fact that surprises a lot of dog owners: Bad breath isn’t normal. It’s usually a red flag symptom of an underlying health problem. So you’ll want to do more than cover up it with doggie breath fresheners – Instead, you’ll want to get to the “guts” of the issue. 

The Real Cause Of Your Dog’s Bad Breath

Just like in people, frequent or chronic bad dog breath is a sign that something is wrong. 

For dogs, bad breath can often be a symptom of periodontal disease. Foul-smelling breath actually comes from the bacteria (1) that cause plaque and gingivitis (inflamed gums) as they accumulate along the gum line. And as that bad bacteria do their darndest to create inflammation, bleeding, and loose teeth, they’re able to sneak inside the bloodstream and cause serious health problems for your dog. 

See, when bad bacteria enter the superhighway known as your dog’s circulatory system, they can affect the immune system, kidneys, and heart. So it’s crucial to keep your dog’s mouth as healthy as possible. And while home doggie dental care – like brushing teeth – can help, getting ahead of the harmful disease-causing bacteria can improve your dog’s breath… oral health… and overall health.

Unfortunately, about 80% of dogs have periodontal disease, especially those over 3 years old. (2) And for about half of those, the most noticeable symptom is funky-smelling breath. 

dog holding a toothbrush

Can Dog Toothpaste Help? 

Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly and consistently can help improve his oral health. (3) Trouble is, most pet owners don’t thoroughly clean their dog’s teeth every single day. Still, any time you can it’s worth it, as long as you do it with the right toothpaste.

Make sure to use toothpaste formulated especially for dogs. Never use human toothpaste for your dog. Our toothpaste can contain ingredients, like xylitol, that are toxic to dogs. So make sure to get a dog-safe toothpaste to clean your pup’s teeth. 

At the same time, you’ll want to address the harmful bacteria that causes the gum disease and bad breath in the first place…

Gut Bacteria – The Overlooked Cause of Dog Breath

Your dog’s gums and gut are closely connected. 

All dogs gut microbiomes contains trillions of bacteria, some beneficial probiotics and some harmful pathogens. In a healthy gut, probiotics greatly outnumber pathogens. But when your dog’s gut falls out of balance, an overgrowth of pathogens crowds out the beneficial probiotic bacteria, leading to a condition called dysbiosis

Though you wouldn’t know it by the way they eat poop and bugs and whatever else they come across, dogs have super sensitive digestive symptoms. And it doesn’t take much to knock their gut microbiomes out of balance. All it takes is a fireworks freak out, a course of antibiotics, or a change in their regular diet to trigger dysbiosis.

When your dog’s gut dysbiosis gets out of control, it can affect more than just his oral microbiome (the normal bacteria in and around his mouth) – It can affect his gut as well thanks to something called the “gut-gum connection.” Since the entire digestive tract is connected (from mouth to gut), what affects the gut microbiome impacts the oral microbiome. That means gut imbalances can lead to an overgrowth of the pathogens that cause plaque and gingivitis. Plus, gut dysbiosis can also trigger inflammation and infection throughout the body, including your dog’s mouth and gums. 

Luckily, there’s a very simple way to address your dog’s dysbiosis and keep his gut and his gums healthy.

dog sitting on a couch

The Pet Probiotic Solution

Just like dogs can’t tolerate human toothpaste, they also need their own specially formulated probiotics. And research shows that when you give your dog the right probiotics, it keeps their gut microbiome in healthy balance. (4)

But probiotics can’t restore that balance if they don’t get all the way to your dog’s gut. That’s why spore probiotics work best for fighting dysbiosis. Unlike other options, spore probiotics are survival specialists, able to withstand extreme temperatures and stomach acid. With that added protection, they can always get to the gut alive. 

Once in your gut, they begin working to clear out pathogens to make space for more beneficial probiotic bacteria. With plenty of probiotics in the microbiome population, the gut quickly rebalances to a healthy state. 

A clinical study found that a specific blend of pet-friendly probiotics are best for helping dogs with dysbiosis. That probiotic formula was made up of:

  • Bacillus subtilis HU58™
  • Bacillus licheniformis
  • Pediococcus acidilactici

The dogs were split into two groups: healthy dogs and dogs with dysbiosis symptoms including diarrhea. All of the dogs got the probiotic formula for 30 days, with exciting results. The healthy dogs had no negative effects, and the dysbiotic dogs experienced relief from the dysbiotic problems. (5)

More and more research shows that giving your dog clinically proven probiotics improves their oral health (6) by reducing the pathogens that cause gum disease. (7)

That’s why you want to give your dog the right probiotic product for him – one that’s designed to work with the bacteria naturally found in his gut… and can survive past the stomach to do its job.

Give Your Dog The Gift of Fresh Breath And A Healthy Gut

When you love your dog but not his dog breath, it’s time to call for help

Just Pets Probiotic tackles dog dysbiosis, often the main culprit behind stinky dog breath, by replenishing the right probiotic bacteria in your pup’s gut microbiome.

Packed with clinically studied spore probiotics, Just Pets Probiotic survives your dog’s digestive tract to get safely to his gut – Doing their best work by encouraging the natural beneficial bacteria to flourish and keep your dog’s gut in healthy balance. 

And thanks to the gut-gum connection, a healthy gut leads to fresher breath.

Just Pets Probiotic contains the 3 strains proven to fight dog dysbiosis:

  •  Bacillus subtilis HU58™
  • Bacillus licheniformis
  • Pediococcus acidilactici

Simply sprinkle one capsule of Just Pets Probiotic on your dog’s food every day to keep his gut in healthy balance… keep his digestive system smooth and comfortable… and keep his breath kissably fresh. 

>> Discover Just Pets Probiotic today for a happier, healthy pup

On the fence about trying Just Pets Probiotic? We’re sure that your dog will feel all the benefits of Just Pets Probiotic... and you’ll notice the difference. But if you’re not 100% happy with the results, we’re here to help. 

At Just Thrive we offer you a 100% guarantee for total purchase protection. If you’re not satisfied with Just Pets Probiotic for ANY reason, you can take advantage of our “Bottom of the Bottle” Money Back Guarantee:

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  1. Santibáñez R, Rodríguez-Salas C, Flores-Yáñez C, Garrido D, Thomson P. Assessment of Changes in the Oral Microbiome That Occur in Dogs with Periodontal Disease. Vet Sci. 2021 Nov 27;8(12):291. doi: 10.3390/vetsci8120291. PMID: 34941818; PMCID: PMC8707289.
  2. Enlund KB, Brunius C, Hanson J, Hagman R, Höglund OV, Gustås P, Pettersson A. Dog Owners' Perspectives on Canine Dental Health-A Questionnaire Study in Sweden. Front Vet Sci. 2020 Jun 9;7:298.
  3. Allan RM, Adams VJ, Johnston NW. Prospective randomised blinded clinical trial assessing effectiveness of three dental plaque control methods in dogs. J Small Anim Pract. 2019 Apr;60(4):212-217.
  4. White R, Atherly T, Guard B, Rossi G, Wang C, Mosher C, Webb C, Hill S, Ackermann M, Sciabarra P, Allenspach K, Suchodolski J, Jergens AE. Randomized, controlled trial evaluating the effect of multi-strain probiotic on the mucosal microbiota in canine idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. Gut Microbes. 2017 Sep 3;8(5):451-466. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2017.1334754. Epub 2017 Jul 5. PMID: 28678609; PMCID: PMC5628651.
  5. Matei MC, et al. Natural Endotoxemia in Dogs-A Hidden Condition That Can Be Treated with a Potential Probiotic Containing Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Pediococcus acidilactici: A Study Model. Animals (Basel). 2021 May 11;11(5):1367.
  6. Barbosa E, Pires PGS, Hauptli L, Moraes P. Strategies to improve the home care of periodontal disease in dogs: A systematic review. Res Vet Sci. 2023 Jan;154:8-14.
  7. Pahumunto N, Duangnumsawang Y, Teanpaisan R. Effects of potential probiotics on the expression of cytokines and human β-defensins in human gingival epithelial cells and in vivo efficacy in a dog model. Arch Oral Biol. 2022 Oct;142:105513.